All around the media the youth is gai­ning poli­ti­cal power, influen­cing the decis­i­ons made by the lea­ders in a way that wasn’t belie­ved to be possible. 

All around the media the youth is gai­ning poli­ti­cal power, influen­cing the decis­i­ons made by the lea­ders in a way that wasn’t belie­ved to be pos­si­ble. Nowa­days, the youth wants to learn about the poli­tics in their coun­try, around the world and how they can influence it. But what kind of power do we pos­sess and how strong is it?

Getting heard

Many main poli­ti­cal par­ties are chan­ging to respond to the gro­wing num­ber of young peo­p­le who want to affect the poli­ti­cal sys­tems. The par­ties reform their ideo­lo­gies to appeal to the youth, as they are their future voters. Now, many poli­ti­cal par­ties pro­mi­se solu­ti­ons to the ongo­ing cli­ma­te cri­sis or bet­ter fun­ding for edu­ca­ti­on. Whe­ther the­se pro­mi­ses are held is an enti­re­ly dif­fe­rent dis­cus­sion, but what is important is that we are being heard.

Take for exam­p­le Gre­ta Thun­berg. You have by now pro­ba­b­ly heard of her, sin­ce her name is ever­y­whe­re, but take a second to pon­der what she has crea­ted. This six­teen-years-old girl crea­ted an inter­na­tio­nal move­ment all by hers­elf, going against what peo­p­le said wasn’t pos­si­ble. She skip­ped school every Fri­day to fight for some­thing that would affect her future in every way ima­gi­nable. Now the count­ries’ big­gest lea­ders are lis­tening to her requests of chan­ge. And this is what young peo­p­le are doing all around the world, which is fight­ing for their future. In Hong Kong, stu­dents are pro­test­ing against the Extra­di­ti­on Law Amend­ment Bill (ELAB), which would con­se­quent­ly under­mi­ne the regi­ons auto­no­my and the people’s civil liber­ties. In Chi­le, young peo­p­le are pro­test­ing against the gro­wing ine­qua­li­ty and the dic­ta­tor­ship-era con­sti­tu­ti­on, as well as deman­ding for sta­te con­trol and fun­ding of public edu­ca­ti­on. All around the world stu­dents are gro­wing impa­ti­ent and angry with the lack of effort that is being put in to meet their demands and the­re is not­hing that will paci­fy them.

Become active

So, you might be thin­king, sure I am angry and I want chan­ge, but the world is so lar­ge, and I am just one per­son, how am I sup­po­sed to influence the powerful lea­ders and their poli­tics? First­ly, demons­t­ra­ting for what you belie­ve is a gre­at way to start. If more peo­p­le demons­tra­te for a cau­se, it gains more trac­tion and sub­se­quent­ly, lands in the media. This leads me to my second point, influence poli­tics through the media. This helps send your mes­sa­ge around the glo­be, gai­ning you more sup­port for the cau­se you fight for. Through social media you can edu­ca­te peo­p­le on a who­le other level, through infor­ma­ti­ve posts, reports, artic­les or vide­os. You can also start your own group and try to make chan­ge hap­pen in your local com­mu­ni­ty. Not only young peo­p­le should take action, but older peo­p­le too. Tea­chers should edu­ca­te the child­ren on the poli­ti­cal sys­tems and how poli­tics work. Also, coun­try lea­ders should encou­ra­ge the youth to par­ti­ci­pa­te in poli­ti­cal acts, like voting or even working in a poli­ti­cal position.

Wha­te­ver action you make, no mat­ter how small, it mat­ters. One per­son can open a flood­gate of chan­ge by the actions they take, through the influence they have. It is only important that we edu­ca­te our­sel­ves and others about poli­tics, so we can be in char­ge of our future.

Bild: Pix­a­bay (nach­weis­frei)
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