Eine Kurz­bio­gra­fie über das Leben der Schau­spie­le­rin. Mit­samt über­ra­schen­den Details.

Audrey Hepb­urn: actress, fashion icon, phil­an­thro­pist. But who was this legen­da­ry figu­re really? 

How it all began

Litt­le to most peo­p­le know, she actual­ly took dancing les­sons as a child and wan­ted to pur­sue a care­er as a bal­let dancer. Howe­ver, tho­se plans were crus­hed, when Audrey was told, that she could never be as good as her peers, due to the after effects of the mal­nou­rish­ment she had to endu­re during the second world war. She then star­ted mode­ling as a way to earn money, but quick­ly drew the atten­ti­on of many film and musi­cal direc­tors, who were fasci­na­ted by her ele­gan­ce and beau­ty. Audrey dis­co­ver­ed her talent for acting and was cast as the main actress in many famous movies. She even won the Oscar for best actress for her per­for­mance in “Roman Holi­day” in 1954.

Special fashion sense

The fashion world loved Audrey’s uni­que sen­se of style. Soon, peo­p­le all around the world star­ted to wear long skirts, big sun­glas­ses and the litt­le black dres­ses. Even today, her influence on the fashion world lasts on.

Help for children in need

Howe­ver, Audrey Hepb­urn was not only beau­tiful on the out­side. In 1988, she beca­me a good­will ambassa­dor for UNICEF and tra­ve­led the world rai­sing awa­re­ness about child­ren in need. As someone who had lived through the days of the Ger­man Occu­pa­ti­on, she knew very well, what it felt like to go hun­gry and wan­ted to chan­ge that for as many child­ren as possible. 

In 1993 she lost her batt­le with colon can­cer and pas­sed away in her home in Tolo­chen­az. Even after her death, the lega­cy of her work as an actress, ambassa­dor and so much more will always live on.

Bild: Hans Ger­ber/CC-BY-SA 4.0

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